All The Lagwood Chronicles Archer Logs

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Groundspeak Premium Member Shae-Lynn played The Lagwood Chronicles Archer on 1/30/2016

Rating: 5 stars

Completed these with the adventure caching group today. Took us all day & an awesome adventure it was.. The weather was great, lots of laughs along the way.. The ones using oregons seemed to have the most problems. I played the part of the fighter using my oregon 450. It was too much for my little oregon to handle & soon fizzled out. The best way to play these cartridges is to make sure you have a decent phone & battery charger. Giving it a favourite to the CO for all their hard work & creativity to make these cartridges & making it a fun adventure for all of us..


Groundspeak Premium Member hubcap33 played The Lagwood Chronicles Archer on 1/30/2016

Rating: 5 stars

This cartridge was played by one of the others in our group. I thought that the cooperative effort necessary to succeed made for a great time. This was played on an iphone 5s and we didn't run into any problems at all.


Groundspeak Premium Member Mississauga Misfits played The Lagwood Chronicles Archer on 1/30/2016

Rating: 4 stars

I played this cartridge as a part of a geocaching team (Adventure Caching 39).
The cartridge ran flawlessly for me and I was most impressed with the WhereYouGo app on my android phone (Samsung S6). I never had any issues with freeze-ups and it was super quick - even saving and restarting the cartridge after each directional zone per Room was so fast (and in the end not needed as I experienced no crashes). Because of the length of the series, the only thing extra needed was more battery life. I had a fast-charge battery backup for my phone and only needed it once - it gives multiple charges and I was able to loan it to another on the team as well - highly recommended!


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