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The Ombos Idol - Chapter One
- Average Rating:

- Created by:
Mark Peace
- Submitted by:
- Start at:
N 53° 28.674 W 002° 13.896
- Location:
United Kingdom
- Play Time:
Less than 1 hour
- Date Added:
7/29/2008 7:45 AM
- Last Updated:
10/5/2009 10:54 AM
- Downloads:
- Completions:
About This Cartridge
Jack Robinson arrives in Manchester to take up an exciting new post as research assistant to the eminent ancient historian Professor Ignatius Crimp. His exciting new life in a brand new city quickly sours, however, with the arrival of the an Egyptian Idol - with unexpected and murderous consequences.
A multi-cartridge interactive fiction, set in 1930s Manchester - with each stage featuring at least one Geocache. Can you complete them all, and solve the mystery of the Ombos Idol?
This instalment features a plotline geocache (GC1EMGM) and a bonus subplot cache (GC1EMGK).
Update 1.3: Telegram puzzle replaced with easier version.
Starting Location
Begins at Manchester Picadilly Station.
Recent Cartridge Logs:
Norb1971 played it on 11/14/2008
Played this one with SophieB. The bridge puzzle was a nightmare, as the areas where each side was located moved such a long way as I was playing. At one stage I was lucky that I didn't have to climb over the side of the bridge to get in the "zone". Once that was over it was relatively plain sailing
Simply B played it on 8/6/2008
Another excellent cartridge with a strong storyline and engaging puzzles. Did v1.2 which took a couple of visits to complete. The latest version with the simpler puzzle should take about an hour. Really looking forward to the next chapter!
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