ToSuAl played it on 8/27/2023
We spend a few days in this pretty city. Of course, GeoCaching should not be missing! We don't play Wherigo very often. We really liked this one! Everything worked perfectly and we had a lot of fun! The final is also very well done! Thank you! 🙂
[permalink] played it on 6/8/2022
Thank you for showing us Bratislava old town! We spent a nice day in Bratislava and its many cafes and restaurants!
hanooij played it on 10/16/2019
This cache has given us a lot of pleasure for a number of hours. We have danced, slapped, reckoned and much more. Eventually the outcome brought us to a beautiful and well-guarded cache container.
Vďaka za vyrovnávaciu pamäť. Zdravím z Holandska.hanooij.
iglo4 played it on 3/12/2019
Von Wien unternahmen wir einen Tagesausflug nach Bratislava. Hier stand der WIG ganz oben auf unserer Liste und wir wurden nicht enttäuscht.
Es gab eine interessante Führung durch die Altstadt mit vielen Informationen. Und der Höhepunkt war die Schatzkiste am Schluss.
Danke sagen
Kuchl311 played it on 9/8/2018
Very funny and interesting WiG. Thanks for showing us Bratislava.