Latest Release:
Version: 2.4
Price: Free
(release notes)



Dogs are permitted Bicycles are permitted Recommended for kids Available at all times


Creative Commons License

Request Source

Das Haus vom Nikolaus 

  • Average Rating: 4 stars
  • Created by: espe2310
  • Submitted by: Premium Member espe2310
  • Start at:  Play Anywhere
  • Location: n/a
  • Play Time: Less than 1 hour
  • Date Added: 11/29/2010 9:04 AM
  • Last Updated: 12/19/2022 12:13 AM
  • Downloads: 20560
  • Completions: 295

Multilingual: German, English, French, Dutch, Italian --- Playanywhere: Draw the House of Santa Claus with one stroke - an old German childrens game

About This Cartridge

Walk through the snow - if there is any :-) - have fun and draw Santa's House.

This cartridge has can also be used as a code generator to encrypt the coordinates of a geocache. One cartridge - many caches. Please feel free to use it for your own cache if you like.

The cartridge is used for more than 40 caches in many countries. See (visit link)


Starting Location

None specified 

Recent Cartridge Logs:

Groundspeak Premium Member Sir-h-c played it on 11/15/2024


I decided to study architecture. I was already allowed to calculate half-timbered buildings during my school days, but half-timbered houses were completely new territory for me. So I sat down at the drawing board - with sufficiently large dimensions - and drew the first line from A to B. After all, every house needs a solid foundation. Then the framework was erected and the roof covered. The builder was obviously satisfied with the work and paid somewhat unusually with variable values and a mysterious unlock code for a save?!

Thanks for the nice play-anywhere-whereigo.


Groundspeak Premium Member Lomnice played it on 4/26/2024

Rating: 3 stars

Děkujeme ownerovi za hezkou keš na zajímavém místě, na které bychom se bez Geocachingu asi těžko podívali, za listing a energii věnovanou založení a údržbě této keše, za bodový přírůstek na naše geokonto a za další rozzářený žlutý kulatý úsměv na naší geomapě


Groundspeak Premium Member penkavky played it on 4/18/2024

Rating: 4 stars

Díky za fajn wherigo. Více na


Groundspeak Premium Member mywaygkr played it on 3/16/2024

Rating: 5 stars

Wir haben diesen Wherigo gespielt um einmal zu sehen wie diese prinzipiell funktionieren. War interessant und erfolgreich. Werden jetzt weitere angehen.


Groundspeak Premium Member team_nekromiko played it on 3/3/2024

Rating: 3 stars

Im Zuge des Solinger Adventskalenders 2023 wurde dieser Wherigo gespielt.
Die App auf dem IPhone zickte ein wenig bei der Linie zwischen A und B, aber danach konnten wir das Häuschen zügig fertig "malen".
Danke für den Spaß!


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