The Easiest Wherigo Ever
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Play Anywhere
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- Play Time:
Less than 1 hour
- Date Added:
5/13/2024 9:47 PM
- Last Updated:
5/14/2024 11:20 PM
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This is just an easy Wherigo for a quick rest stop adventure!
About This Cartridge
This is a quick Wherigo that can be completed from the car until given the final coords. Feel free to start the Wherigo whenever you are ready, you dont have to be at a certain location. The prompts will tell you to go to a single stage before the final.
Starting Location
Feel free to start the Wherigo whenever you are ready, you dont have to be at a certain location. The prompts will tell you to go to a single stage before the final.
Recent Cartridge Logs:
Clan RunningBison played it on 8/2/2024
This was a simple but fun Wherigo to complete during a short lunch and potty break while driving from Dayton, Ohio to South Bend, Indiana for a vacation. Thanks for helping me stretch my legs.
UPDATE: the completion code I received when I finished the Wherigo doesn't work. Please message me the correct one so I can mark the find complete. I have a screenshot to confirm that I received the code. Thanks!
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