Latest Release:
Version: 5.0
Price: Free
(release notes)



No access or parking fee Handicap Accessible Stroller Accessible Not accessible by public transit Public restrooms available Recommended for kids Not available at all times No hiking required No volume required


Creative Commons License

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  • Average Rating: 4.5 stars
  • Created by: Ranger Fox
  • Submitted by: Premium Member Ranger Fox
  • Start at:  Play Anywhere
  • Location: n/a
  • Play Time: Less than 1 hour
  • Date Added: 2/5/2011 4:40 PM
  • Last Updated: 7/9/2018 7:38 PM
  • Downloads: 1521
  • Completions: 18

A cartridge by Ranger Fox, creator of Whack-A-Lackey! Play Battleship anywhere in the world! Can you sink five ships with the three types of ammunition you have? This cartridge will be open source in late February. The code is well-commented, so you can learn how it was created. It should be easy to localize it and make a spin-off for your area.

About This Cartridge

This is a Play-Anywhere cartridge set on a football field. You must sink all battleships before your ammo runs out. To start the game, stand in the middle of the field and select the "Start Game" item.

The ships will be hidden from view until you damage one. To shoot where you are standing, select the caliber shell from your inventory and click the "Fire!" button. All ships within the shell's area of effect will be damaged.

To win the game, you must sink all five ships before your ammunition runs out.

Thus far, the cartridge has been tested in the field with a Garmin Colorado. As of June 3, 2012, you can now play using an iPhone!

Just like Whack-A-Lackey, the cartridge will be open source (in late February). The source code is well-documented and your comments are appreciated.

See the geocache GC2NCZ5 for more details. 

Starting Location

Any football field of your choice. For those of you located in the United States, any soccer field of your choice. 

Recent Cartridge Logs:

Groundspeak Premium Member bullocd played it on 6/11/2020

Rating: 5 stars

Decided to try before using the opensource code for a similar cache. First attempt didn't work but a more methodical approach in a more elevated and open area did. Obviously too far away to collect the cache, maybe one day :)

Thanks for the game and double thanks for the source code as I'm not a wherigo expert yet!


Groundspeak Premium Member tbbiker played it on 8/21/2015

Rating: 5 stars

I had a very good time this morning with playing this game. I played it in the soccer field at Farris memorial Park with my backup Garmin Oregon 550t and the game worked flaulessful for the two games that I played with it. I won both games and I just played the second game for fun. Both games did unlock at the end and they both reveled the final coordinates to the cache. The radius for both games was more than 125 feet from the center point so do plan on using the full field. That was not a big deal though and I enjoyed walking around. Thank you Ranger Fox for creating this fun cache. tbbiker


Groundspeak Premium Member Creators wrote a note for it on 6/26/2015


Thanks a lot, Ranger Fox, for sharing the source code!
I have used it to learn a lot on LUA, simply by doing, reading some of your forum contributions and a lot trial and error by modifying some of your code parts to have it do what I want.
At the end, I created my second wherigo-type cache, but this time mainly based on LUA code.
I really hope that Wherigo will go to another round of evolution and stay alive for a while. It really adds something to the geocaching experience, I believe.


Groundspeak Premium Member rewritable played it on 11/2/2014

Rating: 5 stars

Took the cartrige for a spin in my local forest. It was a bit tricky at first as I made a mistake of not paying attention at where I started, but still somehow managed to complete on the first try.


Groundspeak Premium Member Left Coast Labs played it on 9/18/2014

Rating: 4 stars

Our very first wherigo! Played this one today in preparation for a local spin-off. Got lucky and sunk the fleet on the first try.....and then had to do it a couple more times just for fun. Used the Android app which was ok, might be time to invest in something more suited for these. Thanks!


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