Chislehurst Constitutional
- Average Rating:

- Created by:
- Submitted by:
- Start at:
N 51° 24.699 E 000° 04.440
- Location:
United Kingdom
- Play Time:
Less than 1 hour
- Date Added:
4/14/2014 4:21 PM
- Last Updated:
6/11/2022 10:55 AM
- Downloads:
- Completions:
About This Cartridge
This Wherigo cache starts near the War Memorial and takes you on a walk around Royal Parade and the southern part of Chislehurst Common.
Starting Location
The starting location for this cache is close to the first zone. There is the possibility of roadside parking in the area, but beware of restrictions or charges.
Recent Cartridge Logs:
Orti_ played it on 7/25/2017
This was the fifth WherIGo we tackled on this trip to Chislehurst. Up to now the one in the park ist still my favorite. Too many people everywhere, but we managed to pick up the cache container and sign the log witout being overlooked by muggles. TFTC
Team GBS played it on 12/30/2015
We enjoyed the wander around Chislehurst and the whole Wherigo Experience.
2oldpeoples played it on 10/18/2015
Our first Wherigo thanks to SkiCycle giving us help setting it up at the last Selbac meet. We enjoyed the process of answering questions then taking us to different points. Will definitely be doing some others.
Pja_cz played it on 3/8/2015
Nice Wherigo. Thanks.
Jarlee74 played it on 3/1/2015
Thanks.. 2nd in a nice afternoon around Chislehurst.
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