The Reverse Cache - beta
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- Date Added:
12/25/2011 7:17 AM
- Last Updated:
12/31/2024 4:58 AM
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This software is beta (still in test), use at your own risk, no warranties!
You are the owner of a Reverse-Cache-Box, which will not give you coordinates but rather indicate the distance to the final/geocache.
Your task is to find the geocache using the box as little as possible for checking the distance.
About This Cartridge
This software is beta (still in test), use at your own risk.
a Wherigo by -Waldmeister-
(visit link)
__Best practice:__
-Disable energy saver mode
-Act slowly: After pressing a button, wait and do not press immediately again!
__Nice to know:__
-Where the Idea to this WIG comes from: Watch M. Hart's Reverse Geocache Puzzle Box
(visit link)
-Find the first ReverseCache-WIG in:
(visit link)
-All the ReverseCaches:
(visit link)
-Play on IPhone, Android, Symbian (Download Pocket PC-Version)
or your Garmin (Download Garmin-Version)
-Languages: Deutsch, English, Polskawy, Spanish, France, Cestina
Starting Location
Start anywhere in the world :)
Please make sure your phone / GPS receiver always has good signal.
Happy Caching :)
Recent Cartridge Logs:
novaknavrcholu wrote a note for it on 2/5/2025
Odloveno s Linaria J. Nemáme moc zkušeností s tímto typem wheriga, ale tady to šlo velice hezky a bez problémů. A hezká krabička nalezena. Posílá bodík A děkuji.
PokeySD played it on 2/1/2025
Quick find in Harlingen TX
kubadeda played it on 1/25/2025
Pohodově odehráno na 8 pokusů. Po více než 5 letech mně šlo opět hrát wigo.
Marjan007 played it on 1/23/2025
Vandaag deze komen zoeken en loggen , het was tof maar vermoeiend, maar uiteindelijk de cache gevonden
MrKrid played it on 1/7/2025
Heute war ich mit *GJL* in Lünsche für eine kleine LabCacherunde an der A45 unterwegs. Zur Entspannung haben wir noch diese Runde gemacht.
Das gut getarnte Dösken *Verstopfte Steinpore😉* habe ich im dichten Schneetreiben nach etwas Suchrerei gefunden und mich in das Gästebuch eingetragen. 🍀
DfdC, das Verstecken und die Pflege an *GC-Schnecke*, das hat Spaß gemacht!
Gruß von *MrKrid* aus Ennepetal 🦊 Stadt der Kluterthöhle
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