Latest Release:
Version: 1.0
Price: Free
(release notes)



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Bezrucovy sady 

  • Average Rating: 4.5 stars
  • Created by: bandita007
  • Submitted by: Premium Member bandita007
  • Start at:  N 49° 35.452 E 017° 15.348
  • Location: Czechia
  • Play Time: Less than 1 hour
  • Date Added: 5/9/2023 9:21 AM
  • Last Updated: 5/9/2023 9:23 AM
  • Downloads: 319
  • Completions: 46

About This Cartridge

Toto wherigo vas provede Bezrucovymi sady. Nic vic, nic min. 

Starting Location

Prochazku zacneme v jizni casti Bezrucovych sadu a dale budeme postupovat na severovychod na druhy konec. 

Recent Cartridge Logs:

Groundspeak Premium Member Team Gundberg played it on 7/26/2024

Rating: 4 stars

Nice and easy … even for tourist why do not understand the text.


Groundspeak Premium Member LetoCZ played it on 7/2/2024


Odehráno a odloveno na dnešním výletu do Olomouce.


Groundspeak Premium Member hrat. played it on 5/12/2024

Rating: 4 stars

Fajn procházka i wigo. Více v logu na GC. Díky!


Groundspeak Premium Member dvc64 played it on 4/14/2024


Díky za fajnou hru a procházku sady:-)


Groundspeak Premium Member R_T_T played it on 4/6/2024

Rating: 4 stars

Sic přelidněno, ale pěkná prochna. Máte to tu fajne.


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