StevenY.Sk played it on 9/28/2018
Po práci som sa previezol do Čunova a v blízkosti hotela Divoka voda som odohral túto WIG. Vďaka skúsenostiam s predchádzajúcimi hrami od tohto ownera som úlohu zvládol na 4 rany a po dvoch pokusoch za 4, som skóroval za 8 a posledný pokus šiel do úplného stredu. Pri hľadaní kešky som natrafil najskôr na miesto, ktoré sa len podobalo na fotohint, ale potom sa mi podarilo nájsť aj to správne miesto. I vďaka tomu, že som bol na bicykli, som sa zabavil dobre a netrvalo mi to príliš dlho. Ďakujem
I rode to Cunovo after work and I played this WIG near to the hotel Divoka voda. I was able to finish it quite quickly thanks to previous experience with cartridges by this owner and I finished it by four shots. After two shots for 4 I improved to 8 and the last shot was right to the middle. When I was looking for the cache I first found the place which just looked like the photo-hint but then I found the right place, too. It was quite entertaining especially because I was on the bike and therefore it did not take me too long. Thanks
racemice played it on 9/2/2017
Today was ***"Great Moravia GIGA Day"*** and together with Daniela & Philipp, we traveled across different countries and our goal was to find thirteen different cachetypes in one day.
We started in Slowakia and gathered six caches on the way up to Vienna - this was the fivth one and we enjoyed this cardrige and the shooting very much - and luckily noone watched us moving around the parking area ...
Thank you for maintaining this cache and happy greetings from Switzerland !
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wuli played it on 2/27/2016
Found it on my tour today. Cool game.
pgasparik played it on 2/23/2015
Moja prvá keška tohto typu, no paráda. Dúfam, že ma nikto nesledoval, ako nadšene naťahujem prak :). Ďakujem, TFTC :)
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[permalink] played it on 9/8/2014
Odehráno bez potíží, jen se dobře trefit :-D