Kirbys Adventures Returns

Groundspeak Premium Member deadley played Kirbys Adventures Returns

5 stars

FTF Really suprised this has gone so long with no find ! Saw it last week when in the area, but was having technical issues with the water levels, as in way to much water, so didnt want to try this one and have the same issues.
The good wife wanted to come back down for a paddle to see some more otters and we decided on this morning. Got up to our 1st frost of the year and the wife shivering while i loaded up the kayaks.

Got down to Kirby Park around 8.45am and low tide the sun was shining, water was flat calm and the sky was clear blue. Unloaded and done the first easy two stages and proceeded to stage 3, which proved a little more difficult, my 1st route got us to within .2 mile, but the Mrs freaked out a bit when we grounded out in all directions and when i suggested another route, she had already decided enough and wanted to go back !
Ok not a biggy paddled slowly back to car with her, then made up for lost time and headed back towards stage 3. Again i was thwarted with shallow water, so had to go past gz and come in from the west way, which was deeper and done the job. Got to gz and Garmin kicked in first and gave the final coords, i had to play about a bit with Android phone to kick in and had to go along the bank in less than a foot of water, a few times to get the stage to finally bring up the final destination.

Had to again go west to get out of the very shallow water and arrived at gz to make the easy find, but grabbing was a bit of a stretch. Signed the blank log and paddled back to car and back to the Mrs.

Great Wherigo in a very cool area, loved seeing the otters, seals and pelicans and as with my last visit here watched a seagull trying to steal an otters food, it just fllowed the otters bubbles until it surfaced, then made a attempt to grab its fish, lol love it.

An obvious fav TFTC