The Wawel Dragon

Groundspeak Premium Member chztrz played The Wawel Dragon

5 stars

5 of 5 stars. Great Whereigo cache!

Log on
13:34. I chose this little beauty to be my geocaching find nr. 2000... and I definitely don't regret it. It has everything – interesting story, humor and it shows the most beautiful parts of amazing city of Krakow to its players.
Yesterday I finished the game, eliminated that poor green flying monster, found the box, logged in... and then I found out that whereigo file in Garmin is damaged and I can't load it again or upload it to the server. Grrrr! So I walked those few kilometers (in much faster tempo and with Garmin + Android phone, just for sure) again today. And poor dragom died again. :)
(As I wrote, I found the box yesterday, so there is log from 29th November 14:44 in paper logbook...)
Uffff, 5 hours of walking in freezing Krakow, but it was fun! Thank you for a great cache. I am adding it to my Favorites.