Frodo's Quest

Groundspeak Premium Member psychofish played Frodo's Quest

4 stars

Wow! What an adventure! As always with a TP hide I had a great time. Ed (Team Dromomania), my brother Dadfish & I started out from Robert Louis Stevenson park at about 0800 & were at GZ for Frodo's Quest at about 0820.
We dropped into the mines of Morea for the first part of our quest. TD had found this part a bit ago but was stingy with any hints. But it seams we didn't need them anyway because dadfish had his hands on the clue within 2 minutes.

After fighting our way out of the mines we headed to the next stage, with a stopover at another section of the mines, a little lower on the mountain. Thanks TD.

After a couple of false tries we finally made the decision to go for a bit of a bushwhack to get to the second stage. This proved to be unnecessary as the way out was quite easy & uneventful. But we did find a balancing rock in the process .

Stage 2 was a bit of a trip. The cartridge wasn't working, so we made some calls, and with the page read to us by the owner, we figured the next step.

That took us to a decidedly Un-trailpuppy-esk area, searching for we knew not what.

Luckily, dadfish had an idea that he & TD went after, while I searched the area the coords were indicating. After finally giving up on that spot I headed towards the rest of my party, only to find TD in a very precarious position, that he was able to handle NP in short-order. As I was nearing what turned out to be GZ, I heard "Got it".

It was decided that some trades should be made on such a momentous cache, so I delivered the "goods" to the cacheholder & made the trade.

This was yet another great cache by trailpuppy, that I was able to experience.

Thanks to TP for the cache of course, & TD for the unerring direction , & daring, & df for the info we needed.

WooHoo!!!!! FTF!!!!!!!!!!