The Golden Circle

Groundspeak Premium Member j-he played The Golden Circle

4 stars

Finally, back in Iceland after 10 years!
Iceland was the first foreign country that I cached in. Now the active volcano brought me back to this wonderful country!
As the volcano was still inactive and everything was in clouds, so that my helicopter flight was cancelled, I spent half of the day in Reykjavik and the decided, that I should do the Golden Circle again. Obviously my start was pretty late and was then further delayed when I took a nap in the car even prior to reaching Þingvellir.
It was around 23:00 when I finally reached Gullfoss. This had the advantage that only few tourists were around. I spent a bit more than an hour there, searched for several caches and took many pictures.
I had started this Wherigo at Þingvellir and here I could finally and without a problem find the cache container and sign the logbook.
Thanks a lot for this Wherigo in Iceland (I believe it is my first Wherigo in this country).