Pirate's End

Groundspeak Premium Member K'J' played Pirate's End

5 stars

Unloaded at the designated parking area and started up the Wherigo and headed on down the road. As I made my way through the cartridge I got to the spot where it reminded me to save. Well, I didn't and now less than 2 minutes later the Oregon just shut itself down. I have a love hate for my Oregon as it is really fussy with WIG's. So I had to go back to the start and start over again. Luckily it was only a few hundred of meters backtrack. Needless to say, I saved often after that misstep!

Got to the night part of the hunt and it was a nice and quick find. Had a good chuckle at the end. Those dang little monkeys! I signed in and successfully saved the completed cartridge and have uploaded the files. Thanks Pat for bringing me up here.