H2O Yeah!

Groundspeak Premium Member SiriYeh played H2O Yeah!

5 stars

This was a great wherigo! When we started, we thought we could finish this off in less than an hour, but not a chance. We did the first 4 steps, calculated out a fast way that would let us do it in a shorter distance, then flubbed two steps entirely, so we were back to the beginning of the task (after "doing" something, on iphone anyway, roll the wheel to done before clicking the upper done!). I came back with my son a few late evenings later and completed the task on bikes but it was too dark to even try to search for the cache. I returned another few days later to look for the cache and found not just the cache was missing but the host itself! After a message to the CO that the cache has been replaced but the wherigo not yet updated, I received the new coordinates and returned the next evening and made the find with my mom and my other son. It was amazing and well prepared. We found the cache around 9pm and at 7am the next morning we were to be on the road for Alberta.
Thanks for an excellent wherigo!
Plan for lots and lots of walking (biking and walking because you can't bike on the boardwalk) and a couple hours of your time at least, but the final is worth it!
14 moves total.