Northamptons Cultural Qua

Groundspeak Premium Member milvus-milvus played Northamptons Cultural Qua

4 stars

I like a good Wherigo, and I've been meaing to done this one for ages, so it seemed like an ideal way to finish off the year.

I normally rely on my trusty old PDA with bluetooth GPS - but this time I decided to put my trust in new technology and use the Android Wherigo player (WhereYouGo) on my phone. It didn't work too well at first, saying the start zone was just over 1,000km away (E14 degrees?!) - but once I'd allowed it to access the GPS things improved dramatically.

Like lodgebarn I had trouble getting into the zone at 78 Derngate, but after 10 minutes of wandering around I finally managed to gain access right outside the front door. After that it was plain sailing, and the roadworks outside the museum are now complete. I had no idea that this area was officially "The Cultural Quarter" - but there are now signs to prove it.

I was only just able to reach the final, and stealth was difficult to achieve - but log signed and replaced successfully. TFTW and Happy New Year!

P.S. To log a successful completion, drop the last (16th) letter of the completion code...

P.P.S. I am not related to Mr Bassett-Lowke!