IOM Phoneboxes: Jurby

Groundspeak Premium Member twoofnine played IOM Phoneboxes: Jurby

4 stars

We’ve not done a whereigo before so we weren’t sure what to expect, we thought there might be more questions to answer and wondered at some points if we were missing some information, but no, as we progressed it became clear we were on the right track.
We are pleased that we could use our normal GPSr etc. and not have to purchase or borrow another. The device we used is an Android 'phone , HTC Desire HD, and an external 'Touch' bluetooth GPS which is very sensitive compared to the GPSr build into the 'phone.
We ran a free app. called 'WhereYouGo' from the Google Play Store. The key to a good GPSr is the maps, and we run an app. called Locus (there is a free version but the Pro version is only a few pounds) with its 'Vector Maps' also from the Play Store (via a menu on the Locus app.). The maps for the whole British Isles are about £1.00 !
We had a few teething problems and may need to adjust some of the many 'settings' in WhereYouGo but the app. performed as it should as we wandered from location to location.
This cache has inspired one of nine to investigate if we too can add another Wherigo cache in the Isle of Man…watch this space!