Ghost Blimp

Groundspeak Premium Member XKlondike played Ghost Blimp

5 stars

First Whereigo find using the WhereYouGo app on my Android phone. We now feel like a ghostly yo-yo after the highly convoluted journey we took today. Previously, one week ago at Treasure Island the adventure began. Who knew that further roadblocks, a.k.a. the Nike Women's Marathon would result in a lengthy detour around Golden Gate Park. Took a brief break to enjoy the nearby beach before heading South to continue pursuit of the blimp spirit. After successfully navigating a few more stops, we were ready to attempt the prize. But no!!! It wasn't to be that easy. I reached GZ of the provided coords only to find out that I was to be out some place completely different. Ventured out to find those voodoo items only to be bewildered further by the additional object requests. After a fruitless effort I returned to the cachemobile to enlist the help of the expert finder, my wife. She arrived at the scene and quickly located the second of the objects. The revealed item was already open, apparently the security device was inoperative. To legitimatize the find, I felt it imperative that I find the prerequisite. Eventually located it but if the hint is to be believed, you must be a taller than an average NBA star.

Thanks for the really interesting dirigible history. Enjoyed chasing a ghostly spirit just before Halloween.