Frightful Fineshades

Groundspeak Premium Member hal-an-tow played Frightful Fineshades

4 stars

This is the first I've done solo with my new(ish) android phone, I tried it on an el cheapo tablet a few months back, but the (in) accuracy of the GPS in that was such that I never managed to get in the first zone ! Until now I've relied on better equipped friends to let me follow them around.

It took me a minute or two to become familiar with the app and discover that the arrow on my navigate screen was less than helpful, so I resorted to watching the metres count down while bumping into things.

Soon got the hang of it and whizzed through the screens and was heading for the final - ideally I think I'd like to see the final co-ords and input them in the GPS rather than continue the hotter/colder circling behaviour with the 'phone , but I got to the (smaller than the wherigo cartridge says) container in the end .