Church micro 1732...St. Peter Parmentergate

Groundspeak Premium Member Delta68 played Church micro 1732...St. Peter Parmentergate

3 stars

Started Wherigo with a Samsung Galaxy S4 and a pair of Oregons. Predictably the Oregons both gave up the ghost at the ghost zone so play continued with just the Galaxy. First two questions were easy enough. Found answer to Q3 after quite a search and drew a blank on Q4. The virtual vicar said he was too busy to help and by that time it was nearly half past seven so time to move the car.

Returned a couple of hours later and this time the vicar was a bit more helpful and spoke of a hidden zone.
This is where the game play got tedious. The hidden zone is near to the edge of the field of play so the message saying to go to the church kept popping up. Each time this happened the game had to be closed and resumed from the saved game. After this happened about a dozen times patience was wearing a bit thin so it was quite a relief to finally get instructions to find the cache.

So, in total it took nearly 2½ hours to complete

Nice theme, great location