Coree Clamber

Groundspeak Premium Member winglen played Coree Clamber

4 stars

Completed with McPhan, RexTrex and ZsaZsa7 on a sunny winter day. The clamber around the rocks in this spectacular location was great fun, with expansive views across range after range of NSW and the ACT, including snow capped Bimberi and others.


Leave this for a very warm winter day or spring, to avoid ice on the rocks and wet slippery sections.

Whereigo Version 3.01 worked like a charm, but that gizmo thingy looks like a dud.

Don't listen to Mr Winglen who suggested we would be back in time to have lunch at home, so I only took a couple of muesli bars and pieces of fruit.

Calibrate your GPS for altitude because that seems to be significant. We found GZ without this, but not sure that everything worked like it should.

Thanks Squirrel!