Escape the Castle

Groundspeak Premium Member PazaUK played Escape the Castle

5 stars

(pasted from my GC log)
I do like an old ruin; well, the Mrs IS married to one, and fancied this Wherigo too so earmarked this as a stop off on our short break to Harrogate. A lovely old ruin it is too. I did foolishly arouse the local constabulary but had planned for such an event and managed to escape them for another go. It was a bit of a fiddle finding one wall but we very soon had made our escape and set off for the treasure but not before exploring then castle further. As others have said, my way was hindered by huge hay bales but with some lateral thinking, I had the cache in hand and the business done.

Worked with WhereYouGo on Android.

An enjoyable little adventure, thanks for your hard work.