Lost World

Groundspeak Regular Member FernaoDeMagellan played Lost World

5 stars

What an intriguing experience! I tackled this Wherigo together with phlpp, a friend of mine, while visiting Edinburgh for one day. We played it on a HTC Desire Z using WhereYouGo 0.5.0, facing only minor problems (one crash at the very beginning and a light issue with the inventory). The story nearly perfectly fits the terrain! We enjoyed the walk and the plot, died once but could reload. The final hiding-place is a tough one!
Thank you very much for making this cardridge!

Sometimes it is not so obvious what to do next; maybe the "tasks" list could explain better how to go on. Proceeding to the next step requires very different actions from the user - sometimes you have to go to "locations", sometimes the new part of the story starts automatically... Nevertheless the coolest cardridge I've played so far!