25 Bosses - La Totale

Groundspeak Premium Member mbts played 25 Bosses - La Totale

5 stars

A couple of days ago, we started at # 1, but we had to give up at # 19, mostly because we started way too late. We didn't like giving up at all, it felt as if we could have made it, if only we had begun earlier. We decided to try again later this week.

So, today we parked our car at 9:00 sharp (it was an hour drive from our campsite). We headed to #25. Today we would only have to look for 8 caches (25-19 and "Grotte déserte"). That should make a big difference, because searching caches took much time the previous time.

We wanted to finish this Wherigo, and we did. It took us almost eight and a half hours to round the 25 bosses (including searching for the 8 caches along the way). Back home we walk a lot, also long distances. The fact that the Netherlands are flat makes a big difference in average speed though: 6 km/h vs 3 km/h

Thanks for this great experience!

Total trip time: 8:25
Moving time: 6:00
Stopped time: 2:24
Total distance: 17.6 km
Elevation: 897 m