Downtown EN

Groundspeak Premium Member Lineflyer played Downtown EN

5 stars

Today Velberlinle and myself went from Vienna to Bratislava by train together with our rental bikes. Then we did a sightseeing tour through Bratislava on this very warm day before continuing with the bikes to the hungarian border and then back by bike to Vienna along the Danube.

We have chosen this Wherigo for sightseeing in Bratislava and it brought us to many beautiful sites and we got a lot of information for these. I have to admit, that due to the very hot weather today it was quite strrssful to have some lenghty riddles in between....but the combibation is very good.
I have also never seen such a well programmes cartridge using so sophisticated features.

After about 2 hours we reached the brilliant final, sweated all over but happy.

Leaving a favorite point, took a TB.

# 3986, 14:40Uhr