All Ludvika Walk Logs

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Groundspeak Premium Member moq59 played Ludvika Walk on 10/21/2012

Rating: 4 stars

My first Wherigo, but mine is called WhereYouGo. Now I know how this works. I know how to download the file on my computer and where to put it on the phone. It was a bit tricky to get the app work out. At the first step I had to remember what they looked like.
Then I missed a little something so I had to go back. I will take the other one in Ludvika soon.


Groundspeak Premium Member chgus played Ludvika Walk on 9/18/2011

Rating: 4 stars

First attempt at wherigo, had to go around three times to get it all right. Nice experience.


Groundspeak Premium Member auban1 played Ludvika Walk on 8/3/2010

Rating: 4 stars

Me and my girlfriend, and her mom and dad went on this litte mission. No trouble what so ever with the cartridge. I think I will try and construct one of my own in the near future.

I had forgotten about this, so now I'm submitting a log on this site as well.


Groundspeak Premium Member KEOLL played Ludvika Walk on 7/4/2010


Our first "real" wherigo. On our second attempt we got things in the right order. Thanks.


Groundspeak Premium Member Ingvar39 played Ludvika Walk on 6/26/2010

Rating: 5 stars

Our first wherigo cache and it was real fun. Thanks!

[Log Edited by Ingvar39 on 6/26/2010 11:59:47 AM]


Groundspeak Premium Member Team JATA played Ludvika Walk on 6/24/2010

Rating: 4 stars

A nice walk through Ludvika. It is as always important to follow the instructions. Thanks for the Challange.


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