All Coree Clamber Logs

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Groundspeak Premium Member MaPeStr played Coree Clamber on 11/29/2014

Rating: 5 stars

Terrain related - one of the hardest WIGs which we ever playd (maybe even hardes caches) but most spectacular. We both really enjoyed it. Thanks for guiding us through Coree and it's secreat places!


Groundspeak Premium Member Maris4 played Coree Clamber on 11/28/2014

Rating: 5 stars

This was the terean-vise hardest wigo I ever played. It took me two visits and total of almost whole day....I went with the MaPeStr "team"...first with one half and the rest with the other. Great adventure and the lookout views are incredible...


Groundspeak Premium Member mr_roo played Coree Clamber on 9/8/2014


Absolutely stuffed after completing this one. Completed with boot65. Was surprised to see my name in the quotes. Very hard and can see why not many people do this one at all.


Groundspeak Premium Member winglen played Coree Clamber on 7/5/2009

Rating: 4 stars

Completed with McPhan, RexTrex and ZsaZsa7 on a sunny winter day. The clamber around the rocks in this spectacular location was great fun, with expansive views across range after range of NSW and the ACT, including snow capped Bimberi and others.


Leave this for a very warm winter day or spring, to avoid ice on the rocks and wet slippery sections.

Whereigo Version 3.01 worked like a charm, but that gizmo thingy looks like a dud.

Don't listen to Mr Winglen who suggested we would be back in time to have lunch at home, so I only took a couple of muesli bars and pieces of fruit.

Calibrate your GPS for altitude because that seems to be significant. We found GZ without this, but not sure that everything worked like it should.

Thanks Squirrel!


Groundspeak Premium Member Zsazsa7 played Coree Clamber on 7/5/2009

Rating: 4 stars

Completed with the usual gang of psychos: McPhan A and B, RexTrex and Mr and Mrs W. Thanks everyone and SS for a fine job, including finding the cache and leaving a trail of destruction!
Great views, probably best suited to Spring Summer and Autumn. Icy and dangerous in winter.
Cheers ZZ7


Groundspeak Premium Member McPhan played Coree Clamber on 7/5/2009

Rating: 5 stars

Really well crafted cartridge. I empathise with the birthing pains associated with the creation of a cartridge of this complexity/size.

Luckily Winglen and RexTrex wrote details down everywhere so that the reset code was always to hand.

For the record Zsazsa7 is running the original software - he CAN resist updating. I'm now going to update from 2.98 to 3.01 as the Winglen Oregon behaved better than my scamp.

A big thumbs up.


Groundspeak Premium Member Captain Tomato played Coree Clamber on 6/13/2009

Rating: 5 stars

The cartridge builder asked me to accompany him on a circuit of the actual location to test the functions and ensure everything worked. Happy to say it worked like a charm. The whereigo has a couple of built in safety features, save and restore, and a re-start code at each WP. These are essential given the somewhat isolated bush location that this scenario is laid out.

There were a few interesting quirks that could be a bit frustrating, but which are easily managed. The cache owner has listed these in the cartridge introduction, and following my experience future users need to take particular note and follow the tips. There is also a play anywhere mode which should be played out first (at least in part) so that users become familiar with the cartridge structure before heading out into unfamiliar territory.

Some tips:

Read all the hints carefully before starting the real cartridge.

Use the scroll down arrow where ever this is available.

Be careful with the action functions. The cartridge can take up to 8 seconds to action the instruction. I was kicked out and had to restart a couple of times when I tried to move on too soon. The restart code was a life-saver.

The best thing of all with this cache is the location and views. So don't try to short circuit the full experience.


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