Latest Release:
Version: 2.1
Price: Free
(release notes)



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  • Average Rating: 4.5 stars
  • Created by: Sparky
  • Submitted by: Premium Member Sparky
  • Start at:  N 39° 51.286 W 104° 56.361
  • Location: Colorado, United States
  • Play Time: 1 to 2 hours
  • Date Added: 6/14/2011 8:49 AM
  • Last Updated: 7/25/2011 1:48 PM
  • Downloads: 385
  • Completions: 21

Few are chosen. Fewer succeed. Journey now to an island world surrealistically tinged with mystery... where every vibrant rock, scrap of paper, and sound may hold vital clues to your unraveling a chilling tale of intrigue and injustice that defies all boundaries of time and space.

About This Cartridge

Few are chosen. Fewer succeed. Journey now to an island world surrealistically tinged with mystery... where every vibrant rock, scrap of paper, and sound may hold vital clues to your unraveling a chilling tale of intrigue and injustice that defies all boundaries of time and space.

This cartridge was created using Earwigo and tested using the Wherigo Builder Emulator and Wherigo Cartridge Player (PiGo) on an iPhone 4.

This Cartridge uses material that is copyrighted by Cyan Worlds Inc. and does not necessarily depict actual story-line. Myst (TM) is the sole property of Cyan Worlds Inc. Copyright 1993, 2003 Cyan Worlds, Inc. All Rights reserved. Used with Permission 

Starting Location

Platte River Trailhead Park
E. 88th Ave. & Colorado Blvd.
Thornton, CO 

Recent Cartridge Logs:

Groundspeak Premium Member tripman1 played it on 6/29/2017

Rating: 2 stars

Tough one, took a long time but done.


Groundspeak Premium Member jasperdakota played it on 1/18/2015

Rating: 5 stars

Lots of fun! Out on a nice walk with geokid and geodog. Took about 2 1/2 hours with some geocaching stops along the way. Thanks, look forward to doing the others.


Groundspeak Premium Member KJKlock played it on 10/24/2014

Rating: 4 stars

I had to pick up my wife and daughter from the airport very late tonight, so I decided to take the opportunity to cache my way up here early and play as many Wherigos as I had time for. As it turned out, that equated to 2 completions and a partial on a 3rd one. I started with this Wherigo since it is the prerequisite for 3 others. Traffic was ridiculous coming through Denver, so I got to the parking area much later that I thought I would. I knew from previous logs that it would take me about 2 hours to do this one, so I knew it would get dark out while I was playing; but as it turned out, I didn't even get started until right at sunset.

Although the cartridge worked perfectly with no technical issues, I couldn't help wishing that the storyline was better. I never played Myst, so maybe that's just how the game goes, but it all seemed so random. There was no storyline to let me understand what I was trying to accomplish or why any of the stuff along the way was important. That is about as harsh as I can get on the criticism, because I know that these Wherigo cartridges are not easy to create, and to have created one this involved that is error-free is quite an accomplishment.

Playing this cartridge reminded me of the very best Wherigo that I ever played which was called, "The Legend of Helga" (GC2GXCZ) located in San Antonio, TX. Playing this Wherigo, combined with going back and reading old logs from "Helga" has rekindled my efforts to write an epic adventure Wherigo of my own. So far, my Wherigo creation endeavors have been limited to a tour of the Alamo and some virtual tours of our solar system, but I think adventure-type Wherigos are the best kind.

I played the cartridge on my iPhone 4 using the wherigo app. I liked the feature that the completion code is saved in my inventory at the end of the game, but liked even more that I was able to unlock the cartridge on by uploading my saved game right from my iPhone.

After Myst, I played 2 of the follow-on Wherigos from this series. One I got stuck on because of construction barriers that I couldn't get around, but the other one I completed. From what I have seen, I actually think the follow-on Wherigos in this series are better than this one.

Thanks for creating these; I'll plan my trip back up here to do the rest of them once the construction is no longer a hindrance.



Groundspeak Premium Member tamiuron played it on 5/26/2014

Rating: 5 stars

I really enjoyed this game. It took about 2 and a half hours because I stopped for a few geocaches along the trail, I made a couple of errors so I had to back track a bit, and I had to do a little online research at one of the stops. I really hope Sparky makes more of these.


Groundspeak Premium Member Back Country Horsemen played it on 11/10/2013

Rating: 3 stars

This was my 5th Wherigo (and the hardest so far), but I just learned what I was supposed to do with the code from completing another one more recently so I looked to see if I had made a note about this code & I found it & completed the unlock. This one was pretty difficult. I finally got to the container after dark & felt pretty lucky to find it. I did make notes as I went but wasn't sure exactly what I would need to record so it took extra time to do that too. I was surprised where some of the directions took me (especially in the dark for the last 1/2).


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