Latest Release:
Version: 1.1
Price: Free
(release notes)



Bicycles are permitted


  • Average Rating: 4.5 stars
  • Created by: John Wayne Pooch
  • Submitted by: Basic Member John Wayne Pooch
  • Start at:  N 33° 24.020 W 111° 32.726
  • Location: Arizona, United States
  • Play Time: 1 to 2 hours
  • Date Added: 4/15/2008 3:19 AM
  • Last Updated: 2/28/2009 5:47 AM
  • Downloads: 426
  • Completions: 18

To complete this cartridge and claim a find for the cache, you must unlock the cartridge. You must use a Wherigo playable device to claim a find. ALL CARTRIDGES WILL BE CHECKED. I will know if you used it or not by checking ALL the cartridges' altitude. If you used another other means, your log will be deleted and your cache log will also be deleted.

About This Cartridge

This cartridge is based off a true story where you will see true media coverage and visit the true scene but some things have been changed or altered. We start the story at the firehouse where you are in charge of the firehouse and crew. You and your crew are settled in for what seemed to be a quiet night when at 20:44 a call to 911 reminds you that as a fireman, any normal night is not always routine.
Here are some video links about the fire. After playing the cartridge, you may want to watch the videos again.
3TV story
Abc15 story
East Valley Tribune story

Starting Location

Firehouse on Idaho and 16th 

Recent Cartridge Logs:

Groundspeak Premium Member A Team Vallejo wrote a note for it on 4/7/2018


lots of people are not actually playing the carts but getting coords from friends and just signing the log it sucks we spend all this time creating these so they dont have to play them its wrong!


Groundspeak Premium Member aftamath played it on 12/17/2015

Rating: 4 stars

Finished this one with my wife while in Arizona. We finished the wherigo, but there was no final cache. It seems the ammo can has gone missing.


Groundspeak Premium Member KN77 played it on 4/11/2015

Rating: 4 stars

Miss knickle & i played this one with her Android, managed to find all stages only having to backtrack a bit on the second to last stage. We arrived at the final, after a brief search we found the cache and signed the log as 7744 & knickle. The cartridge said completed, but we had the same problem as others as we did not receive a completion code? TFTF


Groundspeak Regular Member knickle played it on 4/11/2015

Rating: 4 stars

Geohubby & I went out & tried this cartridge. The app for android had a little issues & we had to backtrack a few times. Other than that, it was a great time following the cartridge. Unfortunately we did not get a confirmation code to unlock it. That was the only hiccup & therefore we cannot unlock it unless we do it again. Thanks for the fun.


Groundspeak Premium Member LifeIsGuud played it on 3/20/2015

Rating: 4 stars

SEEK84 and I went out in search of my first Whereigo. This was our second for the day and now I have a great overview of how these work. This was a good one but didn't seem to work the way it was intended. I went to all the stops but when I got to the final I didn't get the code I needed. After reading previous logs on it appeared to be a common problem from people. I enjoyed doing a different type of caching and won't be afraid to do these anymore. Thanks for the challenge and the adventure.


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