Cartridge Version History

1.8 (10/18/2011)

- fixed a bug could cause the cartridge to reset (user could restart an input so that a previous zone was reactivated and parts of the story must be played again) - increased the size of some zones - fixed some spelling mistakes - some detail improvements

1.7 (10/15/2011)

- fixed input length for garmin devices - fixed some issues with moving items to zones, activating zones etc.

1.6 (10/7/2011)

- replaced some wrong images

1.5 (10/6/2011)

- fixed "iPhone image swap bug" (iPhone app didn't display an image that was changed "on the fly") - fixed some minor issues - fixed some spelling mistakes

1.4 (10/4/2011)

- fixed some minor bugs an spelling mistakes

1.3 (10/3/2011)

- fixed bug within the chase (timer started again) - fixed bug in the final zone (input didn't show up when re-entering the zone) - fixed bug with hint for par kpuzzle (normal puzzle message didn't show up when hint message was displayed) - added hint for library zone - added hint for cemetry puzzle - added way back to start zone

1.2 (10/1/2011)

- added media - fixed bug in park zone puzzle (when timer elapsed, not all items were reset) - fixed bug in garden zone (hidden command of an item was always visible) - fixed some spelling mistakes - added hint for park zone puzzle

1.1 (9/23/2011)

1 (8/30/2011)

2.1 (7/17/2012)

- fixed some minor issues

2.2 (3/17/2013)

- added coordinates to final location - added autosave after catrtidge completion

2.3 (10/9/2013)

- Added backdoor for those who forgot to complete the cartridge

2.4 (1/27/2014)

added some improvements for Garmin devices

1.9 (2/23/2012)

- Added "reset current zone" functionality to item "Lesezeichen (bookmark)" - Added acoustic signal when entering a zone - Added coordinate to final box and entrance to library - Added some detail changes - Corrected some spelling mistakes

2 (3/16/2012)