Wherigo Builder

The Wherigo Builder is a Windows application that allows you to create interactive game cartridges to be played in the real world. The Builder enables an author to define cartridge details, including zones, characters, items, and logic necessary to play a cartridge.
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Wherigo Player for Pocket PC

The Wherigo Player is a wherigoCartridge Pocket PC application that allows you to play interactive game cartridges in the real world. Install the Wherigo Player on your mobile device, search for and download a cartridge, and you are ready to go.
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Required Third Party Software
Microsoft .NET Compact Framework 2.0   This is the latest .NET technology for mobile devices and is required for the Wherigo Player.
Microsoft ActiveSync   ActiveSync is required to transfer cartridges from your desktop to your Pocket PC.
Microsoft .NET Framework Version 2.0   This is the latest .NET technology for mobile devices and is required for the Wherigo Builder.