The Lost Treasure

Groundspeak Premium Member jim4545 played The Lost Treasure

5 stars

Attempted this whilst doing the GMT series, having initially not cottoned on to the virtual element, enlightened by owner we had another go the following day only for the cartridge to crash just as we were making progress - we didn't have the heart or the time to start again so reluctantly left with this unfinished but the upside we made plans to return to this great place. Five weeks later and we return as planned, cartridge loaded on GPS and iPad for a bit of backup. Proceeded through the early stages with both devices but went with the iPad when the GPS hadn't picked up the first key. What fun once you get into the plot! We were soon past the point we reached last time feeling somewhat warm from the exertion and now we were into unknown territory. A few more "terrors" encountered but cooly coped with the problems and there finally was the treasure! A magnificent hoard I must say - well pleased with our success and a perfect finish to the caching part of our weekend. Thanks for entertainment which complemented the GMT series. TFTW
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