All KC Clue Logs

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Groundspeak Premium Member UTtoTX played KC Clue on 7/31/2021

Rating: 5 stars

It took a couple of tries to get the cartridge to work - had to reboot the phone! Then took a couple of tries to get an area large enough. Thought the first one was, but needed to go into someone's back yard. Finally found a park that looked big enough. Almost missed out on one grid that was really close to a locked gate/fence, but we managed to get to all the rooms, and eliminate the locations, weapons, and suspects to make the correct accusation. Thanks for the fun. Looking forward to finding the final at GeoCoinfest in a few weeks.


Groundspeak Premium Member sumpteretc played KC Clue on 7/5/2016

Rating: 3 stars

I couldn't ever get the interrogate button to work, and, when I try to upload my save file, it says the cartridge wasn't completed. But I did get the geocache coordinates and travel bug number.


Groundspeak Premium Member sumpteretc wrote a note for KC Clue on 1/11/2015

Rating: 4 stars

I played this on my Colorado 300. Most of it worked well, but for some reason the "interrogate" function did not work on the two or three suspects I tried it on. I could investigate rooms or weapons with no issue, but suspects didn't work at all. It didn't freeze the game; it just didn't respond.


Groundspeak Premium Member TheKBF wrote a note for KC Clue on 8/21/2014


Walked it and got answers, but don't have the list to eliminate from. Acouple of the weapons are not traditional clue weapons.


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