All Waldorf Kid Wherigo Logs

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Groundspeak Premium Member DudleyGrunt wrote a note for Waldorf Kid Wherigo on 7/2/2016

Rating: 4 stars

I'm "WIGging" out today. At the start, I've only found 10 WhereIGo caches. Hope to at least double that today.

Urgh...some kids were playing ________ at Next Stage 2, so i couldn't get close enough.

Thanks, The Daymudes, and Happy Trails!

@ 7:06 PM


Groundspeak Premium Member Moonpie10 played Waldorf Kid Wherigo on 6/15/2013

Rating: 4 stars

Glad to find out that our iPad works with these whereigo cartridges. Enjoyed the hunt


Groundspeak Premium Member unusualsuspect played Waldorf Kid Wherigo on 5/12/2013


Quick find in an area I'm familiar with. Cartridge will not unlock.


Groundspeak Premium Member redlights played Waldorf Kid Wherigo on 5/3/2013

Rating: 5 stars

Wow this cartridge worked perfectly!! Terrific job with it.

I had headed out this afternoon with Mrs. SeeKPeeKRs to try and complete the wherigo in Leonardtown. In trying to redownload that cartridge we spotted this one. After completing that one we decided, since that one worked so well now we'd give this one a go. Man it did not disappoint! It was a lot of fun completing this one. Thanks for placing another.

[Log Edited by redlights on 5/4/2013 10:31:22 AM]


Groundspeak Regular Member SeeKPeeKRs played Waldorf Kid Wherigo on 5/3/2013

Rating: 5 stars

Very neat! An FTP (first to play) with my good friend redlights. We were out having a grand time when we spotted this new wherigo cartridge. We were playing another cartridge by the WO (wherigo owner), and since the other cartridge was a Play Anywhere cartridge, it didn't show up when doing a 'Nearby Cartridge' search .... redlights and I found the other cartridge searching by author. In doing that search, we noticed this cartridge. The other cartridge worked well, so we decided to try this one. This cartridge worked like a dream; we had a very nice tour of the park. Thanks for the fun!


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