All Kent Mega Domino Logs

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Groundspeak Premium Member OldTavernMan played Kent Mega Domino on 9/12/2018

Rating: 5 stars

Today was pretty dull and grey and I'd had this cache in the back of my mind for just this sort of day. I was hoping it wasn't going to lead us into the woods or through long wet grass, (given the nature reserve behind the car park), so I was pleased to see the first zone in the opposite direction.

That's where it all fell apart! I thought I was OK at dominoes and mental arithmetic, but it turns out that without the appropriate aid (a set of dominoes and a calculator) I was rubbish at both. However, after a bit of trial and error I was finally onto the next. The next and next were both OK, but we did have a laugh at the last, and a “doh!” moment at the end. Now why didn’t I think of that? As we were pacing to and fro there were a couple of workmen from the nearby construction site keeping mud off the road. We did wonder what they thought of a couple of old folk wandering around on the grass but they kept their thoughts to themselves.

At last, we had final GZ and it was a short walk to there. The cachers trail helped and I quickly found the cache which was in very good condition.

Thanks for the whereigo – it worked perfectly, it was good for a laugh and a good walk.


Groundspeak Premium Member Royal Oak played Kent Mega Domino on 5/3/2015

Rating: 2 stars

I failed here, as I couldn't get past island 2 where it kept asking me the questions for Island 1! If I am back in the area I may well be tempted to have another go.


Groundspeak Premium Member gumbleygang played Kent Mega Domino on 5/11/2014

Rating: 5 stars

Second time attempting a wherigo cache. Took just my youngest who was spot on the mental arithmetic. Good walk out. Started and finished from home as Foal Hurst wood not too far away. Tftc.


Groundspeak Premium Member Delta68 played Kent Mega Domino on 5/4/2014

Rating: 4 stars

Parked in the car park and got chatting to another cacher that had just completed this one so we had some idea how long it was going to take us to complete. We set off and soon realised what we had to do. No problems with the questions and we were soon at the sorting stage where we managed to get things right first time! Enjoyed the walk in the glorious sunshine.


Groundspeak Premium Member unowho67 played Kent Mega Domino on 5/4/2014

Rating: 4 stars

We really like wherigo caches so we pleased to see 3 new ones had been published so close to the Mega event. I have played Dominoes as a child but couldn't recall some of the required information, luckily google helped here . A nice wherigo we really enjoyed the final stage and thought it was clever how Blue Nora had a different end result to me A lovely final location and nice hide.
Many thanks for all your hard work setting up this cache for us to enjoy today.


Groundspeak Premium Member CaptainNavi played Kent Mega Domino on 4/30/2014

Rating: 4 stars

17:20 Accompanied by DrDnMe

Decided to have a go before the hoards of eager beavers descended upon the area at the weekend
Used the Garmin Colorado cartridge running on my HTC Android Smartphone App. & all worked perfectly well
Pitched up armed with the daughter's Dominoes - good old Scout motto - Be Prepared
Off to a good start locating the first station quickly & after reading the instructions carefully (learnt from past experiences) the answer was correct - first time
Station two proved more challenging - but at least the Dominoes came into their own & the locals didn't seem to find it odd that a group of people were gathered around playing dominoes
It got hectic at the next location & extra care was needed here
On a roll & the next location required quite a bit of shoe leather & tested the short term memory
By now & feeling confident we had some procedural difficulties trying to get the cartridge to issue the next question, but after going out & back in, it all seemed to come together. ending up by us all walking around in circles - well actually squares
Having collected all the data & with DrD cracking the code, GZ was begging & although the direction was contra to the expectation it proved a straightforward find - bingo & hooray

Very enjoyable evening stroll. Now back to the helicopter Anika


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