All Walking Tour of Downtown Tampa Logs

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Groundspeak Premium Member _SWH played Walking Tour of Downtown Tampa on 2/21/2015


Long walk but good sites to see. Played while hubby ran his first part of Gasparilla today. Good day for walking around although at 7 am when I started it was quite cold. Cool spot for #3 zone. Received my completion code but neve know where that goes. lol


Groundspeak Regular Member KCandMJC played Walking Tour of Downtown Tampa on 7/11/2014

Rating: 4 stars

This was a great tour of downtown Tampa; very well laid out. We did not enjoy the additional walk at the end to final and back to car as it seemed kind of pointless and having nothing to do with touring downtown. The rest was awesome and we really enjoyed seeing every benchmark. Thanks for a great tour!


Groundspeak Premium Member onerod played Walking Tour of Downtown Tampa on 1/29/2013

Rating: 3 stars

On a hot day for us, LVERNIE and NFJK.
The 4 of us had a great time seeing the sites of Tampa. TFTC


Groundspeak Premium Member NFJK played Walking Tour of Downtown Tampa on 1/29/2013

Rating: 4 stars

Our second Wherigo, we were with onerod & Lvernie on this beautiful afternoon. We did the Whereigo game before going to a hockey game. TFTC


Groundspeak Premium Member Highcountryhikers played Walking Tour of Downtown Tampa on 6/2/2012

Rating: 5 stars that's what we call HOT!!! Guess 90 + degrees isn't the best time of day to be out in the hot Florida sun. Wouldn't have been as bad back in MI. Don't know what it is about Florida...but it sure is hot and humid down here! Barely made it back to the car without passing out. Nice walk though...saw a lot of interesting landmarks, took a few pictures and except for the limited shade, had a great time!! Riverfront Zone was the only one that gave us any trouble when it repeatedly kept crashing. It took a while to zero in on the benchmark and a little extra ingenuity just trying to get to it, as the area is currently fenced off with warning signs to keep out...thought for sure he was going to fall in!! After the long drive out we weren't about to give up before we even had a chance to get started. Nice job on the wherigo!!!


Groundspeak Premium Member jimbo6308 played Walking Tour of Downtown Tampa on 3/18/2012

Rating: 4 stars

Did this on St. Patty's Day with a green river and bag pipes playing. Had some time inbetween my daughters volleyball games at the convention center to take a crack at this. Som econstruction near the end of the cartridge requires some detouring but nothing to difficult. Like others have stated the Whereigo platform is still a bit buggy (a couple of unforced shutdowns for my Oregon 550) so you need to remember to save your progress often. I was greatful when I got to the last stage to find it quick as the sun was about gone. No room to sign the log. Thanks for another fun wherigo.


Groundspeak Premium Member firmware played Walking Tour of Downtown Tampa on 2/24/2012

Rating: 5 stars

This was great fun… I have the blisters on my feet to prove it.

Thank you very much!


Groundspeak Premium Member Team Landshark played Walking Tour of Downtown Tampa on 9/27/2011

Rating: 4 stars

This was my first Wherigo experience. I bought a Garmin Oregon 450 during REI's Labor Day sale, which finally gave me the ability to play whereigo and chirp caches.

The site says "whereigo beta" and boy is that the right term. My Oregon crashed twice (spontaneously shut itself down) during my ~2-hour walk around Tampa tonight. After the first crash I started saving my game after every stage.

When I finally found the final cache, I stopped to record the unlock code and the Oregon locked up while I was thumbing myself an email. I pulled the batteries, went through the "i found it" screen again, and this time (a) copied the code quickly, then (b) saved the game immediately. Of course, when I went back to retrieve the code again so I could check it against what I had written, there was no way to retrieve the code. Ugh.

So: i think whereigo is not ready for prime time, but I had a fun time playing the game and hope to do the other one in Tampa before I head back home. I especially enjoyed the walking tour, because it showed me a bunch of the city I didn't know anything about. I definitely appreciate the time spent developing the cartridge, and it makes me want to do the same thing back home.

Thanks for the fun and the education!


Groundspeak Premium Member raven429 played Walking Tour of Downtown Tampa on 5/18/2011

Rating: 4 stars

This was a nice early morning walk before my conference. A little frustrating due to construction, but I found it none the less! TFTW


Groundspeak Premium Member swampmuck played Walking Tour of Downtown Tampa on 8/1/2010

Rating: 5 stars

Took us several visits to complete, but thats the way it goes with the kids in tow. Fortunately, most of the walking and exploring was done during the cooler months. We finally got down this way again today and stopped by to sign the cache log. Thanks for all the fun on this one!


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