Cartridge Version History

2.7 (6/9/2011)

- Fixed "resume game" to hide the travel station and not go back to a different villain if you were on Garmin Sandiego - Fixed timer to give 18 hours to catch the first villain as I intended, then 16 hours for the second, and 15 hours for Garmin Sandiego (The timer keeps decreasing for each villain caught after Garmin Sandiego, so see how many villains you can catch!)

2.6 (6/9/2011)

- Added a couple hours to the mission timer for the first villain - Made number of hours decrease with each villain caught so game gets gradually harder

2.5 (6/7/2011)

- Increased time to make it a little easier - Fixed mission folder to display stolen item

2.4 (6/4/2011)

- Added final coordinates - Images are displayed for what was stolen at the beginning of the mission - Images are displayed for the discovered villain at the time you obtain a warrant

2.3 (5/30/2011)

- Fixed task to display correctly whether you obtained a warrant or not - Fixed timer to not end the round one action too soon

2.2 (5/29/2011)

- Added "Obtain Warrant" task so you can see if you have obtained a warrant, and for which villain.

2.1 (5/29/2011)

- Fixed the male/female check in the HQ Database - Fixed error that gives attributes before you find them - Fixed another typo

2 (5/26/2011)

- Added a message directing the player to the locations after selecting to travel to a destination.

1.9 (5/26/2011)

- Didn't have a check for a warrant when you catch a villain. (Oops!!) Fixed that. - Made the HQ database always available at the Groundspeak Headquarters zone. - Fixed a few more typos - Made most of the actions go to the main screen after they finished - Added images for the Travel Station

1.8 (5/25/2011)

- Completely changed the way you travel since I found out the last way didn't work on Garmins. - Hid mission timer until mission was actually started.

1.7 (5/24/2011)

- Hid files until toggled - Fixed error with toggling files

1.6 (5/23/2011)

- Fixed more typos - Deleted accuracy check when the game first starts - Hid all zones until gameboard is set up (to avoid confusion)

1.5 (5/23/2011)

- Moved geocaching treasures to Player so they could be seen when toggled

1.4 (5/23/2011)

- Increased the game timer so it's not so hard - Updated images in some of the messages - Added a hidden trackable that can be found as you get close to catching one of the villans

1.3 (5/22/2011)

- Updated pictures - Fixed zones for when they will be active or not - Fixed some typos - Built in toggle of suspect files & valubles that can be stolen - Deleted some excess or repetitive code - Randomized which zones will show up when you travel

1.2 (5/22/2011)

Ok, I really think I fixed the accuracy error this time.

1.1 (5/22/2011)

Hopefully fixed the GPS accuracy error.

1 (5/22/2011)